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Thread: Change EncryptKey issue

  1. #1
    seinarsson is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Default Change EncryptKey issue

    I'm logged into the admin site as a SuperUser. I'm getting a message that it is "Time to change your Encrypt Key!". Clicking on it sends me to the changeencryptkey.aspx page.

    I don't see where/how to change the Encrypt Key though. Attached is a screen cap of what the page looks like for me.

    Is there another place I need to go to actually change the Encrypt Key? Does it need to be done manually in the web.config?

    Attached Images Attached Images  

  2. #2
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Erik is offline Senior Member
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    Nov 2010
    Ashland, OR

    Default Encrypt key change

    As the text states, one of the conditions must be YES. So just set your AppConfig: StoreCCInDB to YES, then perform the encrypt key change. I would suggest changing this back to NO after the encryption key change is made.

    ALSO NOTE: To change the encryption key successfully, you MUST set the .NET user permission to the root folder for write access (ASPNET for WindowsXP(IIS5) or NETWORK SERVICE for Windows Server/Vista(IIS6) or IIS_IUSRS for Windows7(IIS7+)), and decrypt the web.config file in the Site Configuration Wizard, then update the encryption key.
    Erik Sutton
    AspDotNetStorefront Technical Support

  3. #3
    seinarsson is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Erik View Post
    As the text states, one of the conditions must be YES. So just set your AppConfig: StoreCCInDB to YES, then perform the encrypt key change. I would suggest changing this back to NO after the encryption key change is made.

    ALSO NOTE: To change the encryption key successfully, you MUST set the .NET user permission to the root folder for write access (ASPNET for WindowsXP(IIS5) or NETWORK SERVICE for Windows Server/Vista(IIS6) or IIS_IUSRS for Windows7(IIS7+)), and decrypt the web.config file in the Site Configuration Wizard, then update the encryption key.
    ... I'm confused. One of these conditions IS 'yes'. StoreCCInDB is already set to true. Yet I don't see a way to actually change the key. Other screenshots I've seen show a textbox for the new encryption key and a button to start the process. There is none of these on my screen...

    I think I have the permissions set right, but I'll double check. Would this cause the button to not show up on the screen? Or would that just make the process fail.


  4. #4
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Erik is offline Senior Member
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    Nov 2010
    Ashland, OR


    This is a new issue. Please submit a ticket to support and we'll take a look there.

    Be sure to include access information to your admin in the proper fields of the ticket so we can verify settings.
    Erik Sutton
    AspDotNetStorefront Technical Support

  5. #5
    seinarsson is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2008


    Thanks for the help. I think we have solved the issue.

    The problem was we are using a Rackspace cloudsite for hosting, and they run all their servers at a Medium trust level, and don't allow that to be changed.

    In the file changeencryptkey.aspx.cs...
    if ((!StoringCCInDB && !HaveRecurringTh || !ValidTrustLevelatNeedCC))
       DoItPanel.Visible = false;
    ... makes it so the actual change encrypt key functionality is never shown. We made a code change...

    if ((!StoringCCInDB && !HaveRecurringThatNeedCC))
       DoItPanel.Visible = false;
    ... and were able to change the encrypt key.


  6. #6
    seinarsson is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2008


    Actually, it looks like I was wrong. We weren't able to change it. Now we're getting the error...

    "Exception=Your current hosting environment does not support this functionality. Interacting with the web.config file requires the site run in full (unrestricted) trust. The current trust level for your site is: Medium"
    Is there any way around Storefront needing full trust to update the encrypt key?
