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Thread: Use of Variants in Pricing Scheme

  1. #1
    chese79 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Default Use of Variants in Pricing Scheme

    Currently our products are configured with a 10 character SKU(internal sku). The first 5 characters are the style number. The following 3 characters are the color number, and the last two characters are the size code. The combination of all three makes a unique selling unit.

    Style Color Size
    XXXX 123 MD

    Currently we are not utilizing variants other than having a single variant to hold the product and its combination of colors and sizes, along with the inventory.

    We are utilizing the SKUModifier to change the prices on sizes that cost more. We want the ability to put particular combinations of Style, size, and color on sale. Currently the way we are doing it, we can only discount all of a color or all of a size.

    1)I am assuming we will have utilize variants to get the pricing flexibility we are looking for, correct? Are there other ways(staying within both best practices and not over customizing anything)

    2)Assuming we will need the use of variants, are there best practices in the use of them? Should we use a variants for each combination of style, color and size; just combination of style and color or style and size; or just the discounted product?

  2. #2
    Ex-Jesse is offline Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    I recently had this exact situation with a client. The client sells three different products, each with three different colors, and six different sizes.

    Instead of creating 54 different variants, I made 9. One variant for each product per color. Then I made the SKU suffix on the variant for the size include the color. "123MD" as your example for the medium.

    It's slightly a pain, but it was necessary because you cannot change color and size combination markup based on extended pricing tables. 3-D extended pricing would be nice, but using the nine different products was far easier than coding another dimension to the pricing logic!!! The exact thing holds true for sales: It's on a per variant basis, not three dimensional to include attributes.

    This was all a long way of saying "No, you need to add a bunch of variants."