I'm trying to setup a local delivery option for users when they checkout. The current function that I've coded resides in the checkoutshipping.aspx.cs file. I can get it to verify that the user is within 25 miles of a store and then calculate local delivery at a rate of 2.50 per mile. But I can't seem to figure out how to actually integrate the option into the shipping system. I have this control <input id="ctl00_PageContent_rdButton" type="radio" name="ctl00$PageContent$ctrlShippingMethods$ctrlSh ippingMethods" value="34|Lititz Local Delivery|12.22|0.00"> rendered on my custom shipping options page and I have Lititz Local Delivery setup as a shipping method. I even went into the database and set Lititz Local Delivery IsRTShipping to true. I'm wondering where to go next to set this up, any help will be greatly appreciated.