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Thread: Limit Product by SkinID

  1. #1
    sduffy77 is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Lancaster, PA

    Default Limit Product by SkinID

    Is there a way to do this?

    for example if we want to switch the skin for facebook users and offer "facebook only" product packages?

  2. #2
    webopius is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    London, UK


    Yes, I think you could do this although I've not tried it. App_Code/Skinbase.cs is where all the skin and template magic happens and this is the base class for showproduct.aspx which actually does the product page rendering.

    If I was doing this, I'd approach it in one of two ways:

    1. Use templates rather than skin switching

    - Write a facebook template master file
    - In showproduct.aspx, detect a facebook product page and call templateoverride() to cause the product page to use the facebook template instead of the standard template.


    2. Use skin switching

    - Create a new skin
    - In showproduct.aspx, detect as above and change the SkinID (a public int within Skinbase.cs) to my new skin for selected pages.
