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Thread: Taxes not calculated correctly

  1. #1
    VicSkim is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Laguna Beach

    Default Taxes not calculated correctly

    I have had two orders go through our system that did not calculate the tax correctly. All products have been checked taxable (at the variant level), I am using the Tax Class of "Goods" and have set up Goods to be at the CA tax level, am using the billing address for the tax calculation, and have not set up any Customer Level tax discounts.

    The first order in question had two different products on the order and one product was charged tax and the other was not. In this order, both the ship to and bill to were CA addresses.

    The second order in question had one product on the order and it did not get taxed. In this order, both the ship to and bill to were CA addresses.

    I am not sure what else can be done and need to get the taxes handled correctly. Are there any suggestions?

    My store is ---- and I am using ML8.

    Victoria Skimboards

  2. #2
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Erik is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Ashland, OR

    Default TaxCalcMode billing or shipping?

    There is a known bug in ML8 when using TaxCalcMode = billing. Unless you have discovered otherwise from your state tax authorities, you should most likely be using TaxCalcMode = shipping anyway.

    This varies from state to state, but tends to be shipping address unless the products are an electronically delivered product (e-books, e-documents, and electronically delivered software), which are usually considered to be shipped to your credit card billing address.

    Erik Sutton
    AspDotNetStorefront Technical Support