When you search a product number on my website the search returns everything with that sequence of numbers in it, including the number for the product page that is assigned by aspdotnet:
103 is the number assigned to the product page, 032 is the product's product number

The searches don't need to return results associated with the number assigned to the product page because they aren't related to the actual product that is being searched. #032 is a center console and #103 is a totally different product, but shows up on the search.

In some searches a product will show up after its accessories. Is there any way to control what shows up in searches first? I don't care if the accessories for a product show up when you search that number, but when they show up first it confuses customers. Basically I'd like it if when you search 167, the product with that actual product number would show up first and then go by relevance.