I noticed that my coupon discount isn't calculating right. The Net SubTotal is wrong. Take a look, we are using
I noticed that my coupon discount isn't calculating right. The Net SubTotal is wrong. Take a look, we are using
A little more info about this coupon issue, the coupon is 20% off on a certain Category. This order the products that qualified for the discount totaled $9.00. When you get the receipt the Net SubTotal looks good, but the Discount part is wrong. How do we get that fixed? Thanks.
I'm seeing the same problem, and lots of old posts addressing it as well. Have yet to find any answers. Product level discount %. Receipt displays Discount % of subtotal, not of just the products it applies, yet the total is calculated correctly.
Jim Buchanan
The Chute Doctor
chutedr.com User
If you are still having this issue, submit a ticket to support so we can take a look officially at what you got.
Erik Sutton
AspDotNetStorefront Technical Support