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Thread: Removing Inventory Items from Drop down? Can this be done from the back-end?

  1. #1
    macecase is offline Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Default Removing Inventory Items from Drop down? Can this be done from the back-end?

    I have a style matrix of a pant that consists of a Variant based on Color. In there, I have waist and length occupying the size and colors. So, as a pair of pants is discontinued, I need to have individual SKU items no longer orderable once they run out.

    I'd like to be able to switch an SKU with the Variant to be 'un-published' and no longer show up in the drop down. Is this possible? So, I'd still have the product and Variant published... just that particular SKU no longer appear.

    I don't want to restrict the site to not allow an order if an item is out of stock because we have a lot of items that we want to have ordered if out of stock.

  2. #2
    macecase is offline Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Default I was thinking

    So, I was thinking that if it Update Inventory.Quan to 9999 or something identifiable for items that I don't want to show in the drop down, wouldn't I be able to exclude those through the views or sp or xml package???

    Just curious if anybody would suggest a way for that to be accomplished.

    To recap, I want to be able to remove a drop down selection for an Inventory row withing a Variant. In some cases, a SKU is discontinued and no longer available but still shows up because of the attributes.

    Also, sometimes, there could be a shirt, for instance that has a Color as a Variant and then SM, MD, LG, etc as the size and use the colors section for Short, Regular or Tall... but maybe the SM doesn't come in a Short or Tall... So, I have to be able to exclude those from the drop down.