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Thread: USPS not honoring "ship separately" bug?

  1. #1
    jerm324 is offline Senior Member
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    Oct 2009

    Default USPS not honoring "ship separately" bug?

    I'm using RT rates for UPS and USPS. I had a customer order a few items, one item was very large at 75lbs and marked ship separately. The others items were about 25lbs total. When the shipping screen came up the customer was able to select Priority mail at a very low rate as if it only calculated 25lbs of items. Priority mail caps at 70lbs and shouldn't have been an option. I switched ship separately on the 75lb product to no and tested a duplicate order. This properly caused USPS not to be available at checkout. This is probably an issue regardless of weight though as long as the product is marked ship separately. UPS works correctly.

  2. #2
    dcurtis603 is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2010


    I can confirm, I am having the same issue. USPS doesn't seem to be smart enough to handle "dimensionalizing" the products flagged to "ship separately."

    I have products which are clearly larger than the size limit as dictated by USPS, and they return rates that are not only too low priced, but physically can't be shipped by USPS to begin with. I believe its because they are not evaluating the dimensions, and are returning rates off the weight instead.

    So this is either a limitation in their API, or the XML request being sent to them lacks {something} they need to evaluate the dimensions AND quote that item as a separate package.

    UPS and FedEx do not seem to have these issues.

    I know there were updates to RTShipping.cs in the update, but I have not had the time to begin the update process, and am still on at the moment. Perhaps there are "fixes" in this area?

    Dan C
    ML C#

  3. #3
    Ex-Jesse is offline Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    The carts sending dimensions and weights accurately. The return from USPS is botched. FedEx seems to respond correctly.

    My guess is it's in USPS's webtools object - which is something ASPDNSF has no control over. A little bit of custom coding in the UseRealTimeRatesShippingCalculation object should be able to keep those pesky bugged returns from showing - but without some custom code we're at the mercy of USPS.