Has no one ran into this?
The only way I can get around this is by editing out lines 3665 to 3672 in ShoppingCart.aspx
Should be fine as we only check shipping on country. What changed in the code that meant every country needs to be assigned a state or was it always like that?
C#/VB.NET Code:
StringBuilder shipsql = new StringBuilder(4096);
shipsql.Append("select * from ShippingMethod with (NOLOCK) where IsRTShipping=0 ");
//if (!ShippingMethodToStateMapIsEmpty && !ShippingMethodToCountryMapIsEmpty)
// shipsql.Append(" and ShippingMethodID in (select ShippingMethodID from ShippingMethodToStateMap with (NOLOCK) where StateID=" + AppLogic.GetStateID(FirstItemShippingAddress.State, AppLogic.GetCountryID(FirstItemShippingAddress.Country)).ToString() + ")");
//else if (!ShippingMethodToStateMapIsEmpty)
// shipsql.Append(" and ShippingMethodID in (select ShippingMethodID from ShippingMethodToStateMap with (NOLOCK) where StateID=" + AppLogic.GetStateID(FirstItemShippingAddress.State).ToString() + ")");
if (!ShippingMethodToCountryMapIsEmpty)
shipsql.Append(" and ShippingMethodID in (select ShippingMethodID from ShippingMethodToCountryMap with (NOLOCK) where CountryID=" + AppLogic.GetCountryID(FirstItemShippingAddress.Country).ToString() + ")");
shipsql.Append(" order by Displayorder");
int i = 1;
int zeroShipCostCountThatShouldBeFiltered = 0;