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Thread: Wishlist not deleting products after adding to cart

  1. #1
    sam.bengtson is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Question Wishlist not deleting products after adding to cart

    Hey guys I'm trying to rework the wishilist feature a little bit. What I'm basically trying to do is turn it into a way for our customers to save their favorite purchases and be able to go in and quickly buy them multiple times without having to select each one individually. So all I really need to do is stop the wishlist from deleting items after they are added to the cart.

    <input type="button" class="MoveToCartButton" value="Move To Shopping Cart" onClick="self.location='wishlist.aspx?movetocartid=16';">
    if I change the onClick="" to the same as the regular "add to cart" button this should work...I think. Does anybody know where the file is that holds this code that I can change? I'm guessing its in an xml file somewhere.

    P.S. also if anybody knows where the file for the product pages are I will need that too. So i can change the text for the "add to wishlist" button

  2. #2
    sam.bengtson is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    anybody have any ideas?