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Thread: Customize storefront homepage

  1. #1
    Nilkanth is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Default Customize storefront homepage


    I need help to update the default storefront homepage.

    I need to identify the place where do we make change to remove following items from default page.

    1. Phone number ---> 1-800-555-1234
    2. Image for Chatting --> Click Here For Live Help ( i found a gif file in skins/skin_1/images/live-chat.gif but there is still red x mark on the page )
    3. Footer --> Gift Registry
    4. Footer --> Affiliates
    5. Footer --> Returns
    6. Header --> Returns

    I am running ML7.0.2.5

    Thanks for your help,

  2. #2
    deanfp is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    May 2009


    It's been a while since I've used V7 but what your looking for should be under your template.ascx file in the skin folder. Shortly after the top menu code.

    Please back up your file(s) before making any changes