Originally Posted by
interesting, so, when you "adjust order total" and then capture, i am guessing that you have to do that manually through your merchant gateway? i don't think the order editing in aspdotnetstorefront works well for this scenario?
also, do you sell your script which auto-captures?
I don't personally do it on a regular basis, but I have once or twice and the adjust order total in the admin seems to work fine. I know we don't login to authorize.net and adjust. I think as long as its in an authorize state and you are adjusting for an amount LESS than what you authorized for then it should work.
I don't sell the software I use but its really pretty straight forward. I don't sell mine because it is pretty heavily customized for our business.
its really as simple as this code below to do that capture using WSI.
private void captureOrder(string orderId)
StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder();
xml.Append("<AspDotNetStorefrontImport Verbose=\"false\">");
xml.Append("<OrderManagement OrderNumber=\"" + orderId + "\" Action=\"Capture\" />");
String Result = callWsi(xml.ToString(), txtSource.Text);
XmlDocument response = new XmlDocument();
XmlElement root = response.DocumentElement;
XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(response.NameTable);
nsmgr.AddNamespace("x", root.NamespaceURI); // x is our temp alias
XmlNodeList nodesEntries = root.SelectNodes("x:OrderManagement", nsmgr);
String status = "";
foreach (XmlNode nodeEntry in nodesEntries)
status = nodeEntry.Attributes.GetNamedItem("Status").Value;
lblErrors.Text = status;