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Thread: submitted date differ from order date in ASPDNSF

  1. #1
    allstar is offline Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default submitted date differ from order date in ASPDNSF

    I created a custom report to return daily orders that are settled via My settlement Transaction Cut-Off Time is set to 12:00 PM PST.

    According to Authorize.NET, orders placed after 12:00:00 PM is consider next day. I've noticed a difference in submitted time and order date between Authorize.Net and ASPDNSF.

    For example, there was an order submitted at 11:59:52 AM per Authorize.Net. However, ASPDNSF order date time is shown as 12:00:11.487. Therefore, when I query the orders to display in my report, the orders either get included or excluded.

    Why is Authorize.Net submitted date not recorded as the order date? How is the capturedon, authorizedon, and order date differ from the submitted date in Authorize.Net?
    Last edited by allstar; 12-15-2010 at 02:48 PM.

  2. #2
    allstar is offline Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    Submitted a ticket for support. ASPDNSF response:

    There's always going to be a slight difference in times between what records and what the store uses. is recording the time that the request hit their server, and the software records when the order completes on this end. A difference of 19 seconds really isn't that big of a deal, that one just happened to span that 12:00 time and cause a reporting problem.

    This shouldn't be something that happens all that often, it's only going to be an issue for orders that come in exact within that few second time frame. I'm afraid there's nothing we can do about it though, there's always going to be a few second discrepancy between the store and the gateway.