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Thread: Admin chooses distributor

  1. #1
    jeff_1868 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Default Admin chooses distributor

    I may be a little confused here, but I'm trying to find a way so our SF administrator can choose whether to send an order to our distributor or have it handled in-house.

    We have a separate service that sends XML versions of each order to our distributor twice a day. I'm looking for a way where our administrator can choose whether to have that order sent to our distributor or handled in-house.

    Is this possible, our would that require the code and some customization?

  2. #2
    ASPAlfred is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    should be done out of the box. You can configure drop shipping either a) manual - you need to set appconfig: DelayedDropShipNotifications to true, b) automatic

  3. #3
    jeff_1868 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    I looked into that first, but our products are located at both distribution centers. I need to give the Admin the ability to choose which location distributes each order. Plus, our distributor does not have access to our system and does not receive emails. I send them XML files of each order twice a day.

    Right now, I'm thinking of having our Admin change the shipping method through the 'Run SQL Command' interface. If the shipping method is our distributor and not us, then an XML order would be created for that order. Else, the Admin would take care of the shipping here.