2011 Conference
My team will no doubt kill me for this, but I know of no better way to find people who know what the heck they are talking about on AspDotNetStorefront than by asking some pretty straightforward questions right here.
We are about to announce, loud and clear, the plans for a two day, two track conference in Vegas in March. I have the merchant track completely populated with topics and speakers, but I still have three developer sessions that I don't want to fill with big names, but want to save for the real people.
So, does anyone on this forum fancy fifteen (sixty, actually) minutes of fame? Any of you out there enjoy public speaking and have something to say?
Just let me know if you think you can help , and we'll negotiate. Fingers crossed that some of you will reply to me at jo@aspdotnetstorefront.com
Jo Benson
Vortx / AspDotNetStorefront