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Thread: Page with multiple topics AND different masterpage and skin

  1. #1
    lastrom is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Exclamation Page with multiple topics AND different masterpage and skin

    I have a website that is a basis of a big system. There are 4 different skins with their own master pages, etc:
    Skin 1 : unused
    Skin 2 : e-commerce
    Skin 3 : content
    Skin 4 : special

    The e-commerce pages (categories, products, checkout and a few topics) are correctly using Skin 2 master pages etc, but I cannot get the content or special pages to use Skin 3 or 4 respectively. Also, each section has a different layout for the home page (ie home master and content master)... Is this even doable using this system? I've looked through dozens of forum topics and tried different things, but nothing seems to accomplish what I want.

    Can I accomplish the above using separate skins or should I stick with 1 skin and somehow use 6 master pages in the same skin?? I'm completely lost at this point and I don't know where to even start. PLEASE HELP!

  2. #2
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott's Avatar
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott is offline Administrator
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Ashland, OR


    Rather than trying to use multiple skins, you'll need to have multiple master pages (templates) within a single skin. There's more information on how to assign different pages to different templates here.

  3. #3
    lastrom is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    I've read that before, but it doesn't really clarify much. Can I create new .master files that several .aspx pages can use? The reason I ask is because if there's going to be roughly 50 pages in the content section alone and they need to be content managed using the topics in the admin (some pages need multiply topics pulled into them so they need to be actual .aspx pages, not the "virtual pages") and this becomes and administrative nightmare.

  4. #4
    lastrom is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Here is maybe a better description of what I'm trying to accomplish:
    We have an installation of AspDotNetStorefront Multi-Store and are adding 2 new "sections": Parents and Teachers. Each of these sections will have roughly 15 to 30 separate pages that will need to use the topic system in ADNSF. They will also have their own landing page and interior pages, like this hierarchy:
    - E-commerce (uses e-commerce landing page master)
    --- categories (uses e-commerce content page master)
    --- products (uses e-commerce content page master)
    --- checkout (uses e-commerce content page master)
    --- etc (uses e-commerce content page master)
    - Parents (uses parents landing page master)
    --- interior page 1 (uses parents content page master)
    --- interior page 2 (uses parents content page master)
    - Teachers (uses teachers landing page master)
    --- interior page 1(uses teachers content page master)
    --- interior page 2 (uses teachers content page master)

    So each of these sections will need 2 master pages: a landing page master and an content page master. The problem lies in trying to tell a specific topic to use a specific master page without setting up 30 separate .ascx files like the documentation suggests. Is there a way of doing this besides designating the correct master page in the code behind of each .aspx page?