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Thread: Multiple email based on Customer Level

  1. #1
    Mad Marcus is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default Multiple email based on Customer Level


    We have a store (v 8.01) setup so that different customers see different products based on their customer level. They also have their own skin. But some customer levels need to have order email notifications sent to a number of addresses. I have tried customizing applogic.cs using the following and assuming that ord.SkinID contains the skin id for the current customer but the extra emails aren't being sent.

    I don't think the SkinID is being retrieved as expected. We could even use the Customer Level Id if anyone knows how to reference it?

    // send E-Mail notice to store admin:
    if (ord.ReceiptEMailSentOn == System.DateTime.MinValue)
    if (AppLogic.AppConfig("GotOrderEMailTo").Length != 0 && !AppLogic.AppConfigBool("TurnOffStoreAdminEMailNot ifications"))
    String SendToList = AppLogic.AppConfig("GotOrderEMailTo").Replace(",", ";");
    // Start Modified Code
    int nmSkinID = ord.SkinID;
    if (nmSkinID == 3)
    SendToList += ";;;address3";
    // End Modified Code
    if (SendToList.IndexOf(';') != -1)
    foreach (String s in SendToList.Split(';'))
    AppLogic.SendMail(SubjectNotification, ord.AdminNotification() + AppLogic.AppConfig("MailFooter"), true, AppLogic.AppConfig("GotOrderEMailFrom"), AppLogic.AppConfig("GotOrderEMailFromName"), s.Trim(), s.Trim(), String.Empty, AppLogic.MailServer());
    AppLogic.SendMail(SubjectNotification, ord.AdminNotification() + AppLogic.AppConfig("MailFooter"), true, AppLogic.AppConfig("GotOrderEMailFrom"), AppLogic.AppConfig("GotOrderEMailFromName"), SendToList, SendToList, String.Empty, AppLogic.MailServer());
    catch { }

  2. #2
    jsimacek is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Phoenix, AZ


    You have the right start, but this way you are rather limiting yourself and the cart's well as having possibly unwanted emailing. I would suggest setting the emails up in the actual Customer Level table/object and sending based on the current customer's level to those emails you setup.
    Jan Simacek - Compunix, LLC
    AspDotNetStorefront trusted Devnet Partner and Reseller since 2005

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  3. #3
    Mad Marcus is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Hi Jan,

    Thanks for the reply.

    Can you clarify about setting up the extra email addresses in the Customer Level table? Wouldn't this require a modification to the database structure and then significant code modifications to allow for the insert and retrieval of those addresses?

    I am also unsure what you mean by unwanted emailing and limiting the carts functionality. If the extra email addresses are only added to those Skin Id's or Customer Levels that need to get the extra notification how would there be unwanted emailing? Also how does this limit functionality?

    I appreciate your help.