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Thread: Google Indexing

  1. #1
    lindsay alford is offline Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Default Google Indexing


    I have a customer ( who uses ML8 and they have about 3,000 products in the system but only 1,000 are being indexed by Google. The website looks ok to me but then I am no SEO expert. I have had a look at and they use the same version but have 18,000 pages being indexed by Google.

    Does anyone know how my customer can increase this? I have setup a sitemap (not the googleindex.aspx as they had their own), Google Analytics, Google Ecommerce tracking, Googlebase feed, Ciao feed....

    thanks in advance


  2. #2
    webopius is offline Senior Member
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    Nov 2008
    London, UK



    Where did the 1,000 indexed by Google come from, as it seems too low to me?

    According to Google UK, the domain has at least 2,760 pages indexed. Yahoo also concurs, reporting 3,025 pages.

    Your topic pages are also being indexed well and as a sample test, I typed 'golf putters guide' into Google and your site appeared in position 5 which is excellent.

    I'm of course only using publicly available data and as site owner running Google Webmaster tools and Analytics, you should be able to get much more accurate data.

    From an SEO point of view, the site isn't too bad at all. I would suggest using H2, H3's and bold a bit more (currently only H1 used on the topic page) to create a page hierarchy and to build more links to your product pages from the topics.

    I can see a couple of odd links on the product pages, for example:
    But this may be intended.


  3. #3
    BFG 9000 is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    South UK


    Looks ok to me as far as indexing goes :-

    For the sake of clarity - I'm not actually using the same version as you on 3mselect - I'm currently on 7.1

