By default, when a quantity-discount percentage is applied, the decimal goes to the fourth place in the shopping cart. (5.0000%...)
Would it be possible to shorten the number decimal places to one? (5.0%...)
By default, when a quantity-discount percentage is applied, the decimal goes to the fourth place in the shopping cart. (5.0000%...)
Would it be possible to shorten the number decimal places to one? (5.0%...)
MSx 9.2, SQL Server 2005, Windows 2008 R2 Web 64-Bit
I don't have v9 so I don't know whether this works in v9, but in our v8 shoppingcart.aspx.cs page we have the following:
We replaced the first commented out line, with the others to truncate the decimal places. Maybe you can use similar.Code://CartItems.Text = cart.DisplayItems(false, ThisCustomer, true); string strHTML = String.Empty; strHTML = cart.DisplayItems(false, ThisCustomer, true); strHTML = strHTML.Replace("00% Qty", "%<br />Qty"); CartItems.Text = strHTML;
Using MS with the following customisations:
Lightbox/Fancybox enlarged images;
Auto-suggest searchbox;
Extra product information shown only to our IP Address (such as supplier info, costs, etc.);
Failed transactions emailed via trigger;
Custom app to show basket contents when customer online;
Orders pushed through to accounting systems.
All the above without source!