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Thread: Order Import

  1. #1
    sduffy77 is offline Senior Member
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    Feb 2010
    Lancaster, PA

    Default Order Import

    I've been charged with the task of importing orders from another order system. Is it possible to import these orders and still be able to use the functionality of issuing refunds, etc. and if so what specific CC info is needed. Currently they're ready to send us CC #s, and exp. mo./year but I know that isn't what we need.

  2. #2
    webopius is offline Senior Member
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    That's a tough one... we did an order import into ASPDotNetStorefront from a third party system (when the client migrated to ASPDNSF) but didn't worry about the payment gateway and refunds.

    Inserting into the orders and orders_shoppingcart tables is the first step, while at the same time making sure no order IDs clash and that any customer records are matched.

    Refunds are trickier and will depend first of all on which payment gateway you are running and whether it supports refunds.. and of course if the data is available from the 3rd party system.

    To issue a refund, you usually need the following elements of the original order:

    Order amount (OrderTotal field)
    Transaction ref (AuthorizationPNREF field)

    Some payment gateways (such as AuthorizeNet) need additional information including

    Last4 digits of the card
    Billing name and address details

    Others also need the Authorization code (AuthorizationCode field)

    When issuing a refund, these are usually packaged up and sent to your gateway provider who will return an 'OK' as confirmation.

    So, to migrate orders from a third party system into ASPDNSF and to support refunds, bring in all the basic order details along with OrderTotal, AuthorizationPNREF and other required values.

    If at all possible, try not to store credit card info in the database. It's too risky and creates a whole load of security obligations.


  3. #3
    sduffy77 is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Lancaster, PA


    Thank you for that.

    Yes we do not store CC#s in the db or any files to maintain PCI Compliance.

  4. #4
    sduffy77 is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Lancaster, PA


    Ok, just got confirmation from the client that they do not store the Transaction ref and/or Authorization code and they would provide CC#, CCV, and exp date.

    Given this data would we be able to issue refunds etc. on a previous charge?