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Thread: Invoking a Skin for a customer level

  1. #1
    cksite is offline Senior Member
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    Apr 2006
    Easthampton Massachusetts

    Default Invoking a Skin for a customer level

    I see how to assign topics to a customer level, but is there an easy way to invoke a skin based on customer level?

  2. #2
    ASPAlfred is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    There is no easy way to invoke SkinID based on customer level, no. Customer levels are not specific to SkinID so, this requires couple of modifications. First thing to do is, add a field in customer level page in the admin for SkinID or TemplateName (in case, you want to use the built-in AppLogic.GetCurrentEntityTemplateName() method). Then, you can probably add a method in the signin logic which check whether the customer is a member of a customer level or not. If yes, retrieve the skinid stored on that customer level then invoke it via a query string.

    Example algorithm would be:
    If (ThisCustomer.CustomerLevel != 0)
           // retrieve the skinid and store it in CLSkinID variable, for example.
           If (CLSkinID != "") &&
            Response.Redirect("" + CommonLogic.IIF(CLSkinID  !="", "?SkinID=" + CLSkinID, "")
            ThisCustomer.SkinID = CLSkinID;