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JSON is an ideal method of passing data between pages or sites but it is a different beast to WSI.
WSI provides a web based service using an API to allow you to make bulk query, add, update, delete calls to ASPDotNetStorefront. JSON is just a lightweight data transport method (think XML without all the tags)
Web Services in general and JSON do work well together though. The Web Service can provide the processing (such as "get me all products that have 'House' in the title") and JSON can be used to move the data from the web service provider to the service user (such as the JQuery in a web browser).
As an example of this in action, take a look at supermart.com (an ASPDNSF site). Start typing a word into the search field and watch the results appear dynamically.
This uses JQuery at the client, a Web Service to receive the search request and call a data access layer to retrieve the results. Then JSON is used to pass this data back to the JQuery client code which renders the results onscreen.