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Thread: Stone Edge and AspDotNetStoreFront

  1. #1
    rpoage is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Ct PA

    Default Stone Edge and AspDotNetStoreFront

    We are a web and phone retailer and are preparing to add a retail location. I'm looking at replacement software for our current POS/Web. I'm currently running MS Store Operations Manager and using NeWesTech integrator to link our Lagarde Storefront web site. The current system works but it is held together with fixes and hacks and too much time in wasted in maintenance. Our site is We handle apx. 10,000 Sku's and our RMS data base is around 650 MB.

    I'm looking at Stone Edge Order Manager Enterprise and AspDotNetStoreFront as the cart. I would like to knowing if anyone is using this combination and if it is meeting their needs. If anyone has other suggestions I would appreciate it. After spending so much time and money on the Lagarde Storefront only to have them go bankrupt I'm nervous about AspDotNetStoreFront's recent sale. The cost to get any system like this running is high in both time and money and it's a whole lot worse if one of your partners goes belly up. Thanks in advance for your suggestions.

    Robert Poage
    Ashford Hobby.
    Robert Poage
    Ashford Hobby.

  2. #2
    barney stone is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    Robert -

    I was hoping that some of our users would reply to your post. You might have better luck asking your questions in the Stone Edge User Forum ( In the meantime, please feel free to give us a call at 610-994-3699 if you want to discuss your needs and how Stone Edge can help you.