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Thread: Help with Images

  1. #1
    amient2 is offline Member
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    Jul 2009

    Default Help with Images

    I have read the manual on images several times and I am still confused so I resized all of my images to the config default values (150 X150 for icon, 250 X 250 for medium, 500 X 500 for large).

    Is it safe to say that those are the recommended image sizes for the storefront (the sizes that will look the best)?

    There are some images that I could not resize to those proportions because they were rectangular in nature and I am trying to recommend to my client that they get new images for those products and I want to provide them with a recommended size for the new images.

    Is there any other way for me to accommodate these rectangular images without manually cropping them into squares? I am assuming that the storefront prefers squares since those were the dimensions in the default configs. Is this a correct assumption?

    I thank you so much for your help!

  2. #2
    Sennaya is offline Member
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    Default Picking your image sizes

    aspDotNet Storefront allows you to pick the size and proportion you need.

    By making them exactly proportional you can turn on theapp config to let the program create other sizes. This really saves time.
    824 LargeCreatesOthers TRUE

    for example I use
    807 ProductImg_large 840x700
    806 ProductImg_medium 420x350
    805 ProductImg_icon 100x84

    I only upload an image in the large size and the others are all made automatically.

    For images that do not fit the standard proportion you will still need to center them on a canvas that standard size.

  3. #3
    Ben-LynxSI is offline Member
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    Vancouver, BC, Canada


    Sennaya pointed out the AppConfigs where you can set the desired size for your images; however, these AppConfigs also support some other tags properties "resize:false;" which will disable resizing for that particular image size.

    For example you could force the small/medium images to a specific size and not resize the large image if that is desirable for your environment.

    For a detailed list on configuring image resizing take a look at the manual here:

    In layman's terms here's what's happening. When you upload a large product image to the storefront admin area, the storefront first checks the AppConfig "ProductImg_Large" for how to handle this image. If some settings have been specified in this AppConfig it will use these settings to resize, crop, or align the image as instructed by those settings. A valid setting is also to instruct the storefront not to resize the image at all. If this AppConfig doesn't contain any settings, the storefront will fail back to the default settings setup in "DefaultImg_Large". All entities in the storefront have an identical setup like products. There are AppConfigs to set the Category image handling, Sections, Manufacturers, etc... All of them will fail back onto the Default settings if no entity specific settings are supplied. A clean install will automatically be configured to size everything to those standard sizes you mentioned just so that it is ready to work out of the box, but you are by no means restricted to these dimensions.

    For customers doing a lot of "amateur" photography I will set the large image to 500x375, medium to 200x150 and icon to 100x75. These are all 4x3 aspect ratio like a traditional rectangular photo. So you can upload photos straight out of your camera into the storefront if you like (don't turn your camera too high on resolution). If you have a "pro" photographer who is going to make nice images on a pure white background and do color/exposure correction, etc, you can request that the photographer deliver whatever dimension/aspect ratio you like for your web design.

    Best Regards,
    Last edited by Ben-LynxSI; 09-10-2010 at 11:08 AM. Reason: Add Clarification about AppConfigs
    Ben Swayne - C#/
    Lynx System Integrators Ltd.
    Lynx Live Agent - real-time analytics, live chat and sales software for ASPDotNetStorefront
    My Personal Website

  4. #4
    amient2 is offline Member
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    Jul 2009

    Default Thank you for your help

    Sennaya and Ben! I am not using the image upload tool I am using the image override feature and I have thousands of images. Sennaya gave me an idea about resizing the image and putting in on a smaller canvas that I think is working. Thank you both for taking the time to help a newbie out!

  5. #5
    Ben-LynxSI is offline Member
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    Vancouver, BC, Canada


    You were not clear about this in your initial post. We assumed "normal" use (if there is such a thing ). Although this doesn't change the situation much... except that you aren't relying on the storefront to do the resizing.

    You are still free to use whatever sizes you want and configure the storefront accordingly. You can still use 4:3 aspect ratio if you like. You can also have variable sizing (that is "no standard size") especially for your largest size.

    If you like the square images and want to center an 4:3 aspect ratio image onto a blank white square canvas your "letter boxing" will be "invisible" if your page background is also white.

    Let us know how your trials go with your new ideas!
    Ben Swayne - C#/
    Lynx System Integrators Ltd.
    Lynx Live Agent - real-time analytics, live chat and sales software for ASPDotNetStorefront
    My Personal Website