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Thread: Password Timeout

  1. #1
    datzent83 is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Default Password Timeout

    How can I disable the password timeout. Every so often it asks me to update my password, but I do not want that.

    I am using ML

  2. #2
    hunter0781 is offline Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Not sure if you can completely disable it but you can set the appconfig AdminPwdChangeDays to a large number.

  3. #3
    esedirect is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Norfolk, UK


    Here's a radical idea!

    How about creating a timed process, which occurs once a day and updates the [Customer] table setting [PwdChanged] to today for all your admin users, where yourdomain is part of the email address!

    Or, if you can't create a timed process on your server, create a trigger which does the same thing on an active table, such as, [Customer].
    Using MS with the following customisations:

    Lightbox/Fancybox enlarged images;
    Auto-suggest searchbox;
    Extra product information shown only to our IP Address (such as supplier info, costs, etc.);
    Failed transactions emailed via trigger;
    Custom app to show basket contents when customer online;
    Orders pushed through to accounting systems.

    All the above without source!