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Thread: V9 Gift Cards...

  1. #1
    webopius is offline Senior Member
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    London, UK

    Default V9 Gift Cards...

    With the winter holiday sales season approaching, one of our clients using v9 has asked about selling Gift Cards.

    Now, this could be me being stupid again but I created a Gift Card product (email gift card) for $5 as a test. Then I purchased the gift card so that ASPDNSF would generate a serial number.

    All good so far... the serial number for the gift card was generated and visible in admin -> payment -> Gift Card Management

    Then, as an anonymous customer, I added some items to my card then proceeded to the shopping cart page (shoppingcart.aspx).

    I entered the serial number for the recently generated Gift Card.... and no discount was applied. No error was shown and the Gift Card serial number remained visible in the coupon field so it was probably detected as a valid serial number.

    Is this a known v9 issue, or is it something I need to diagnose and fix on this particular install?

    Many thanks

  2. #2
    hunter0781 is offline Member
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    Apr 2010


    The gift cert doesn't visually apply itself until the payment info step of the checkout process.

    Here's the problem...when a customer enters a coupon code / gift cert number and clicks update there's no response message saying this discount / coupon has been applied or accepted. However, when you put a invalid code the box it throws a error message. I'm not sure if this is by design or we're missing a string resource but I'm sure it'll turn away customers.

    Does anyone else see the underlying issue here?

  3. #3
    webopius is offline Senior Member
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    London, UK


    Thanks for the feedback. That's really confusing isn't it, especially as Coupon Codes DO show the discount applied in the shoppingcart.aspx page.

    I can definitely see this being a problem if customers aren't notified that a gift card discount has been applied in the shopping cart page...

    - They are asked to enter their coupon/gift card code
    - They enter their serial number.
    - Click 'update cart'.
    - Nothing.

    It certainly confused me. Luckily, I think I have found an easy fix....

    Edit shoppingcart.aspx and look for the <aspdnsf:CartSummary> control block.
    At the end of the CartSummary control, add these lines (I think Show Total is False by Default so make sure this is changed to True):

    GiftCardTotalCaption="Gift Card amount"

    Now it works! My CartSummary control settings now looks like this:

    <aspdnsf:CartSummary ID="ctrlCartSummary" runat="server"
    CalculateShippingDuringCheckout="true" CalculateTaxDuringCheckout="true"
    CalculateShippingDuringCheckoutText='<%$Tokens:StringResource, shoppingcart.aspx.13 %>'
    CalculateTaxDuringCheckoutText='<%$Tokens:StringResource, shoppingcart.aspx.15 %>'
    SubTotalCaption='<%$Tokens:StringResource, shoppingcart.cs.96 %>'
    SubTotalWithDiscountCaption='<%$Tokens:StringResource, shoppingcart.cs.97 %>'
    ShippingCaption='<%$Tokens:StringResource, shoppingcart.aspx.12 %>'                             
    SkipShippingOnCheckout='<%$Tokens:AppConfigBool, SkipShippingOnCheckout %>'                             
    TaxCaption='<%$Tokens:StringResource, shoppingcart.aspx.14 %>'
    GiftCardTotalCaption="Gift Card amount"
    TotalCaption="Total" />
    Hopefully, all you v9 store owners can now successfully sell gift cards on your sites
    Last edited by webopius; 09-09-2010 at 01:24 PM. Reason: Terrible spelling

  4. #4
    hunter0781 is offline Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    This also worked great! Thanks again.

    Now if we could display a coupon code's discount and amount off on the shopping cart page. Do you happen to have a quick fix for that ?

    In all seriousness, the current coupon logic also doesn't display a verification the coupon was accepted or the discount amount which will (just like gift cards) turn customers away.

  5. #5
    webopius is offline Senior Member
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    London, UK


    You are right but I don't have a quick solution for that I'm afraid. I can see in the source code where the change needs to be made though (CartSummary control).

    Currently, on our sites, ASPDNSF shows the subtotal with the coupon discount applied but doesn't show the coupon amount anywhere.

  6. #6
    tuffy is offline Member
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    Nov 2008


    For some reason, the changes only take place when I click the shopping cart link, not either of the update cart buttons. Any suggestions?

  7. #7
    chrismartz is offline Senior Member
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    Apr 2010


    This shows the giftcardtotal including base shipping charges. Any way for this to change?