Thanks for the feedback. That's really confusing isn't it, especially as Coupon Codes DO show the discount applied in the shoppingcart.aspx page.
I can definitely see this being a problem if customers aren't notified that a gift card discount has been applied in the shopping cart page...
- They are asked to enter their coupon/gift card code
- They enter their serial number.
- Click 'update cart'.
- Nothing.
It certainly confused me. Luckily, I think I have found an easy fix....
Edit shoppingcart.aspx and look for the <aspdnsf:CartSummary> control block.
At the end of the CartSummary control, add these lines (I think Show Total is False by Default so make sure this is changed to True):
GiftCardTotalCaption="Gift Card amount"
Now it works! My CartSummary control settings now looks like this:
<aspdnsf:CartSummary ID="ctrlCartSummary" runat="server"
CalculateShippingDuringCheckout="true" CalculateTaxDuringCheckout="true"
CalculateShippingDuringCheckoutText='<%$Tokens:StringResource, shoppingcart.aspx.13 %>'
CalculateTaxDuringCheckoutText='<%$Tokens:StringResource, shoppingcart.aspx.15 %>'
SubTotalCaption='<%$Tokens:StringResource, shoppingcart.cs.96 %>'
SubTotalWithDiscountCaption='<%$Tokens:StringResource, shoppingcart.cs.97 %>'
ShippingCaption='<%$Tokens:StringResource, shoppingcart.aspx.12 %>'
SkipShippingOnCheckout='<%$Tokens:AppConfigBool, SkipShippingOnCheckout %>'
TaxCaption='<%$Tokens:StringResource, shoppingcart.aspx.14 %>'
GiftCardTotalCaption="Gift Card amount"
TotalCaption="Total" />
Hopefully, all you v9 store owners can now successfully sell gift cards on your sites