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Thread: Problem retrieving images using WSI

  1. #1
    glennewing is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Default Problem retrieving images using WSI

    I am testing using a stock ML64 v9.0.1.3 using the stock test data in a local development environment. My initial development of a SOAP client to connect to WSI went well until I attempted to retrieve product info that included images. By tracing I discovered that in AspDotNetStorefrontWSI.GetImageData() the correct image URL is returned by AppLogic.LookupImage but CommonLogic.SafeMapPath just returns that URL rather than converting it to a physical path because the Path.IsPathRooted test at the beginning of SafeMapPath returns true.

    The result from WSI: <Error Message="Exception, Message=Could not find a part of the path 'c:\images\Product\icon\4.jpg'." />

    The Path.IsPathRooted test use is beyond my understanding if SafeMapPath is intended to return a physical path. (But getting beyond my understanding is a very short journey indeed!)

    I have submitted a support ticket but how about some help from some of you other folk who forgot that holiday weekends are for something other than banging out code.

  2. #2
    glennewing is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    In order to keep moving ahead while I await official word, I have changed the code in WSI.cs GetImageData


    if (ImageUrl.Length != 0) {FN = CommonLogic.SafeMapPath(ImageUrl);}


    if (ImageUrl.Length != 0) {FN = CommonLogic.SafeMapPath(ImageUrl);
    if (FN == ImageUrl) {FN = CommonLogic.SafeMapPath("~" + ImageUrl);}}

    This works and, for a bandaid, seems safe.

  3. #3
    ASPAlfred is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    Glenn, I got your ticket in support and responded to it. This solution seems to work fine for me as well when I tested it here. I've logged this into our bug tracking system also to be updated in the build.

    Thanks for posting!