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Thread: auto email customers when product is back in stock

  1. #1
    jhoskinson is offline Member
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    Default auto email customers when product is back in stock

    We'd like to add an 'email me when this product is back in stock' link to product pages when a product is out of stock?

    Does ADNSF have this functionality? If so, how would we go about doing this?

  2. #2
    akeller is offline Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Aspdnsf does not have this feature built in, although it should IMHO. We have something similar on our site where if the customer tries to add an item to the cart that is not in stock we prompt them with a modal dialog box that will allow them to be notified when that item is back in stock. This required a heavy amount of modification with both the v8 and v9. But our implementation is a lot more complicated than adding a button because we are interacting with the add to the cart functionality.

    If you would just like to add a button, there are a vast amount of ways to accomplish what you want. Personally I would take this approach to make the interaction go smoothly if you are simply looking where to start.

    First create a web service(look at the App_Code/ActionService.vb(.cs) for an example). Make sure to include the AspDotNetStorefront classes.

    Then when the user clicks the button just use javascript to pop up a dialog box that will ask them if they want to be notified. Use Ajax to hit your web method. Here you can see if the customer is logged in using the "Customer.current". If they are logged in you can snatch their email right there and send it off to the database. If not do some validation.

    The second part would be the database. I created a table to hold these customer notification records. Just gather all the customer info in the web service and insert them into that table.

    The third part is a trigger on the ProductVariant table that fires when it is updated and compares the product ids and inventory amount in ProductVariant table against the backOrder table. Then use sql mail client to fire off an email if the criteria is met.

    I hope that gives you an idea of what you can do. If not, sorry I tried

  3. #3
    jsimacek is offline Senior Member
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    Phoenix, AZ


    Hello, we have done this modification for several of our clients so if you would like this done or a quote, please contact Jan at, thank you.
    Jan Simacek - Compunix, LLC
    AspDotNetStorefront trusted Devnet Partner and Reseller since 2005

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