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Thread: Probably an obvious question... orders with all download items

  1. #1
    webopius is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    London, UK

    Default Probably an obvious question... orders with all download items

    OK, silly question time but my brain is fried after working too much in V9.

    In a 'standard' order with products that ship, clicking on the 'mark as shipped' button in the admin screen sets the order shipped date and clears the 'IsNew' flag against the order so that it no longer appears as a new order in the view orders page.

    Right, the question...

    What about an order that consists of 'all download items' and therefore doesn't have the shipping panel or the 'mark as shipped' button.

    In this scenario, how does a store administrator change the 'IsNew' setting for the order to remove it from the new orders view?

    One of our clients has got a *lot* of these orders since launch and wants some way of removing them from the view orders page. I'm trying to avoid yet more code changes to the site.


  2. #2
    webopius is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    London, UK


    Ignore me... it's the 'Send Download Email' button.

    This forum is obviously therapeutic, the second after I wrote the question and clicked post I remembered.