my site is bringing back $16.11 for shipping cost on 3lbs of product. I do have it configured to add 5% but this is double what it should be. Any idea's???
my site is bringing back $16.11 for shipping cost on 3lbs of product. I do have it configured to add 5% but this is double what it should be. Any idea's???
What are you using for shipping? UPS, Fedex, Other?
Booth, UPS and Fedex and they are both double....
Temporarily set appconfig: RTShipping.DumpXmlOnCartPage to true and do a test checkout. From the xml response box, see if the shipping method rates returned were correct. Will see if the "doubled" price happened before or after they're displayed in the checkoutshipping.aspx page.
it came back the same. in the RTShipping responce page it has a price of $5.11. where as it show $16.11 to my customer for Fedex.