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Thread: Error on multi-page product listings

  1. #1
    bruceg is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Default Error on multi-page product listings


    I am using AspDotNetStorefront ML I have noticed on several occasions that if I have my Page Size set too small for a category, it wraps some products onto page 2. The problem is that when I try to go to page 2, I get a 404 error. The address bar shows the following: If I strip out all the spaces and try again, it goes to the page just fine. Why are the spaces showing up? How can I get rid of them so the multipage display works? Thanks for your help.

  2. #2
    ASPAlfred is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    Do you have a source? I can't reproduce this here, but I can point you to where you can check that in the code. Go to XSLTExtensionBase.PagingControl() method and add .trim() method in BaseURL (e.g. BaseURL.Trim()). That'll remove all leading and trailing white-space characters from the BaseURL (e.g.

  3. #3
    bruceg is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    We do have source code but I believe I am missing source files from some changes that have been made and are implemented which means that if I change it again, I will break the original change. The spaces are not following the base url but the product page.aspx. Would your change still apply? If this part of the source code, why is mine acting any differently than anyone else's unless that part of the source code was modified by us. Any other ideas on what I can do short of code changes? Thanks.