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Thread: Has anyone made ASPDN Storefront work with SingleFeed?

  1. #1
    dcmoore101 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Default Has anyone made ASPDN Storefront work with SingleFeed?

    We use AspDotNetStorefront ML and we would like to automatically generate product feeds to (

    Can anyone who has experience doing this show us the way?

    We've been told a product by Vortx ( might work. Has anyone used this to synch up with SingleFeed?

    Thank you for any insights you can offer!

  2. #2 is offline Administrator
    Join Date
    Apr 2007


    Good evening

    So! I am "Vortx" and , as most of you have gathered by now, Vortx is AspDotNetStorefront from now on. And yes, Vortx has built a "singlefeed" integration. And, as it happens, Vortx = AspDotNetStorefront was talking to singlefeed just this very day to see if we can get a robust and affordable "extension" built. Dana and I are a bit worried because our store-owners could easily end up paying for the extension/integration, and then for the singlefeed service to a CSE and THEN to the CSE ...... we're not yet quite convinced that this is the best model. Please, call me on my cell (spend five minutes on this forum, and you'll find the number, but I am not giving it away for free again - my phone already never stops ringing from crack of sparrows until my head hits the proverbial pillow........) and I will do my best to organize opinion and serve you all in the best way I know how.

    Thanks, by the way!

    Jo Benson
    Vortx / AspDotNetStorefront