Anyone get that message from a failed transaction using the Protx (Sagepay) gateway?
Anyone get that message from a failed transaction using the Protx (Sagepay) gateway?
Using MS with the following customisations:
Lightbox/Fancybox enlarged images;
Auto-suggest searchbox;
Extra product information shown only to our IP Address (such as supplier info, costs, etc.);
Failed transactions emailed via trigger;
Custom app to show basket contents when customer online;
Orders pushed through to accounting systems.
All the above without source!
From the Protx site:
If you haven't done this already, you'll need to. Also be aware that if you're on a shared host, your site's IP address is not the only IP that requests will come from. Shared hosts generally have a 'pool' of IP addresses that are used for outbound requests. You'll have to get all those IP addresses and register them all with Protx.The VSP Direct and VSP Server systems will only accept registration POSTs from servers whose IP Addresses you have previously registered with us. If we receive a POST from any other server, you will see this error message. Use the VSP Admin Account Parameters area to add IP addresses to your account each time you add new servers which can POST to it.