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Thread: Recommendation for Inventory/Order Manager

  1. #1
    jazzloft99 is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Default Recommendation for Inventory/Order Manager

    I'm currently using Dydacomp Mail Order Manager with the storefront and everything has to be done manually.

    Can anyone recommend a seamless solution for downloading/managing/processing orders from the storefront? I would need date taken from MOM and transferred into this new software solution. Thanks for yourhelp!

  2. #2
    ssgumby is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Im not sure you are going to find much. Let me give you my personal experience.

    I tried Stone Edge. I know they are active on the forum but I tried their software with my previous cart. The stone edge software was slow and clunky and had issues. It was very difficult to setup and use.

    I did a demo of M.O.M. and was not at all impressed.

    I finally wrote my own. Basically I have a .NET app running in my warehouse. My packers click a button to load all new orders. Using WSI it goes out and fetches them and stores them in a local DB. Then, when they are processing an order they scan the invoice which brings up a list of all items the customer ordered. They then scan each item, if they scan correctly the line item turns green, if they scan incorrectly the incorrect entry goes to a table at the bottom. Once the order is completely accurate, they then get a button for Complete Order. Clicking this uses WSI to capture the funds and sends the data to UPS World Ship. In World Ship, when they ship the package I have an app running in the background that takes the tracking number and again, using the WONDERFUL WSI it writes back and upates the storefront with that info.

    Now, my system works great for our purposes. The downside is I have no connection for inventory in my accounting package. I use QB and would love if I could keep an accurate COGS in there based on current daily orders.

    Bottom line, I truly think to get it right you need a custom solution.