for google ad-words conversion value is by default it has as 10,
but how can i change it to the actual product value,
can you please help me.
for google ad-words conversion value is by default it has as 10,
but how can i change it to the actual product value,
can you please help me.
I'm afraid I did not understand the question. Would you elaborate it a bit? Are you referring to the product count, qty etc?
we have a code to calculate total sales that generates from google adwords
we have to paste this code in orderconfirmatoin.aspx to get the conversions.Code:<script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ var google_conversion_id = 1069626782; var google_conversion_language = "en"; var google_conversion_format = "3"; var google_conversion_color = "ffffff"; var google_conversion_label = "GzKkCIT8kgEQnuuE_gM"; var google_conversion_value = 0; if (15.50) { google_conversion_value = 15.50; } /* ]]> */ </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/conversion.js"> </script> <noscript> <div style="display:inline;"> <img height="1" width="1" style="border-style:none;" alt="" src="https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/conversion/1069626782/?value=15.50&label=GzKkCIT8kgEQnuuE_gM&guid=ON&script=0"/> </div> </noscript>
but if you notice the red color line in the above code, we have to set the order total, right now i gave a static value as $15.50
but i would like to retrieve the dynamic total of the order. in this regard when i approached Google, they said instead of static dollar value i can give the string like <%NetTotal%> but i am not sure what i can use as NetTotal Variable in this cart.
SO i want to know the Variable that calls the total order value in order confirmation page.
apart form the above all, i also need help in getting Google Analytics conversion too.
Please help me with any suggestions
You should use our built-in integration with Google Adwords - http://manual.aspdotnetstorefront.co...-tracking.aspx
in that manual you mentioned, it says only page views not conversions.
But i want the conversions to work.Conversion Tracking
Conversions, in the case of an ecommerce store, are completed sales. These are tracked by inserting special JS code into orderconfirmation.aspx - which customers will only see after finalizing their purchases. The steps in the Analytics section above will insert tracking code on every page except that orderconfirmation page. This means that while the basic Analytics tools show you page views, abandons, etc, they do not track full conversions. To do that, simply set the Google.EcomOrderTrackingEnabled AppConfig to true.
i would like to know the sales coming from google adwords and Google organic search.
please suggest.
The google ad conversion in Zencart
we should have similar code in red color for ASP.NetHTML Code:If (GOOGLE_CONVERSION_ACTIVE == "Yes") { // Conversion Tracking is enabled and should be tracked echo '<!-- Google Code for purchase Conversion Page --> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- var google_conversion_id = ' . GOOGLE_CONVERSION_IDNUM . '; var google_conversion_language = "' . GOOGLE_CONVERSION_LANG . '"; var google_conversion_format = "1"; var google_conversion_color = "FFFFFF";'; [COLOR="Red"]if ($google_analytics['ot_total'] != "") { // Order total is not blank. Used to track actual revenue amounts. echo ' if (' . $google_analytics['ot_total'] .') { var google_conversion_value = ' . $google_analytics['ot_total'] .'; } '; } else { echo ' if (1.0) { var google_conversion_value = 1.0; } '; } // End if[/COLOR] echo 'var google_conversion_label = "purchase"; //--> </script> <script language="JavaScript" src="' . $google_conversion_url . '"> </script> <noscript> <img height=1 width=1 border=0 src="' . $google_conversion_image_url . '' . GOOGLE_CONVERSION_IDNUM . '/?value='; if ($google_analytics['ot_total'] !="") { echo $google_analytics['ot_total']; } else { echo "1"; } echo '&label=purchase&script=0"> </noscript>';
a condition that can pull the order total, then we can paste this whole script in GoogleTrackingCode in Topics page.
Hope this will explain you much better
Did anyone ever come up with a solution for this?
Yes someone has written an instruction on how to tack the conversion, the total amount of sale made from Google AdWords.
The solutions are here:
Hope that help.