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Thread: Variants and SKUs - Rules of Thumb?

  1. #1
    Storganizer is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2010

    Default Variants and SKUs - Rules of Thumb?


    I'm just starting an online retail clothing store and using the opportunity to organize my inventory and display. As I understand it, a variant is like a SKU - a unique Stock Keeping Unit that is tracked in inventory? - at least I think.

    Are there any rules of thumb about what constitutes a variant? For example, let's say that I have a T-Shirt that comes in multiple sizes and red, green, and black. Am I better to have one product - T-Shirt that has two dropdown boxes for size and colour or better to have a T-Shirt Product that comes in 3 variants - red, green, black.
    What should be the rationale for choosing one over the other?

    Any help appreciated!

  2. #2
    ZachJ85 is offline Senior Member
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    Philadelphia, PA


    If you offered one type of shirt that came in those three colors and sizes you could create one product called "T-shirts" and create two kit items that would set the size and color.
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  3. #3
    DotNetDevelopments is offline Senior Member
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    We sell heating items mainly and this is how we deal with it.

    First if it is a multi variant item the root product does not have any SKU or MPN. We then create variants for each product inside this "range".

    A prime example for us is our heaters that have three different factors. You select the output, the colour and the control. All of this is under one product.

    With t-shirts I would create one product (i.e. wolf shirt) and then 9 variants. These variants would be small-white, small-yellow, small-black, medium-white etc...

    You will need to customise your product xml to have two drop down boxes but it means you can track stock very easily. Also each variant can have a SKU, so small-white is SWWS and small-yellow is SMWS etc..

    We find this works best and is the most flexible approach to any items that can be grouped by a common theme, in your case I would suggest shirt design as the colours and sizes change but the design does not.

    Hope that helps! Looking forward to seeing your store.
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  4. #4
    Storganizer is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2010


    Thanks for this e-TradeCounter - what you say makes a lot of sense.


  5. #5
    Storganizer is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Default Thanks

    Thanks for your help - posted this a few days ago - but it doesn't show up.
