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Thread: UI degradation after loading # products?

  1. #1
    Poet is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default UI degradation after loading # products?

    I am wondering if anyone has noticed a degradation of response time or performance of the ML UI after a certain number of products has been loaded.

    The advertising language under System asserts that the ML version is good for 250,000 products. Does this mean that it is just as fast for stores with 249,999 products as it is for stores with 1,000 products?

    Or is there noticeable decline in speed, etc. after 25,000 products? 50,000 products? 100,000 products? Etc.

    Anyone out there have a large number of products? Is the SF still fast and good? Or is it getting creaky?

    I have a friend who is using the Umbraco framework for his website and he wants to run his SF and also to load 10,000 articles onto his website . . . and to do this all with Umbraco. However, a developer I know says that Umbraco's UI will slow waay down after 5,000 products or Articles are loaded up . . . due to the complex way that Umbraco stores data in SQL.

    My friend says that Umbraco and Aspdnsf both use SQL, so what's the difference? He would rather avoid using two systems.

    Examples? Reasoning? If Aspdnsf actually CAN handle 250,000 products . . . please explain why? And why would Umbraco NOT take this approach??


  2. #2
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott's Avatar
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott is offline Administrator
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Ashland, OR


    The software (and pretty much any other application) is going to start to slow down as you get more data in the database - that's to be expected. If you only have to go through 100 records in a SQL query, it's going to take less time than if you have to go through 250,000. We have customers running sites with millions of products, so the 250k is definitely not a 'hard' limit. This does require a little optimization, but we've got information on the kind of work that can be done in the manual.