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Thread: How to dispaly default icon when no variant one is uploaded

  1. #1
    MSD is offline Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default How to dispaly default icon when no variant one is uploaded

    I can't seem to find an appConfig for this but one must exist.

    1. Create a new product, upload images to the server - use file name override. Images appear in admin and on live site. Add-to-cart images appear in cart.

    1. Fails: Create a new product, upload images to the server - use file name override. Now add a variant (blue,red,green). Add to cart... images do not appear in cart. If I then upload same image icon to images/variant/icon then file name override in variant images tab. Now add-to-cart and icon images appear in cart.

    There must be some way of making the cart pull default image icon if no variant icon exist. Its probably obvious and right under my nose I just can't find it.

    Tell me there is a way - V9.0.1.3

    Started V8 switched half way to V9 /// I need a V9 Forum

    AspDotNetStorefrontML AspDotNetStorefront ML

  2. #2
    bruceg is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    I ran into a similiar issue with version 8. I ended up writing a vb script file that I ran on the server that walks through the variant table and if it does not have an image for it in the proper folder, it copy the product image from the parent product into the variant folder and renames it with the variant number for the file name. I have to run this each time after importing new items but it goes really quick. If you find a parameter setting somewhere, let me know. Thanks.