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Thread: Application Start Problem

  1. #1
    netprocity is offline Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Default Application Start Problem


    We have just upgraded to the newest v9. It is running resource hungry on the server. I looked at the system log and it is restarting the application several times a minute. We already have a keep alive to hit all of our websites every 10 minutes, but this is actually restarting many times a minute, which a keep alive would not help. Every once in a while there is an exception listed.

    Below is the exception being received and then the restart info. My question is why is it restarting so many times every minute and how do I get it to stop doing that? and why would this exception be thrown every once in awhile?


    Exception of type 'System.Web.HttpUnhandledException' was thrown.

    Page URL:/Default.aspx
    Message:Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    Stack Trace:
    at AspDotNetStorefront.SkinBase.get_CheckUserAgentFor Mobile()
    at AspDotNetStorefront.SkinBase.GetTemplateName()
    at AspDotNetStorefront.SkinBase.OnPreInit(EventArgs e)
    at System.Web.UI.Page.PerformPreInit()
    at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)


    Application Started
    OMMITTEDStarting AspDotNetStorefront...


    OMMITTEDTesting DBConn...


    OMMITTEDDetermine Trust Level...

    OMMITTEDDetermine Trust Level OK.


    OMMITTEDApplication.Clear OK.


    OMMITTEDApplication.RemoveAll OK.


    OMMITTEDExcelToXml.SetLicense OK.

    OMMITTEDComponentArt License...

    OMMITTEDComponentArt License OK.

    OMMITTEDGlobalConfig Load...

    OMMITTEDGlobalConfig Load OK.

    OMMITTEDAppConfig Load...

    OMMITTEDAppConfig Load OK.

    OMMITTEDEventHandler Load...

    OMMITTEDEventHandler Load OK.

    OMMITTEDBadWord Load...

    OMMITTEDBadWord Load OK.

    OMMITTEDLoad StringResources...

    OMMITTEDLoad StringResources OK.

    OMMITTEDLoad EntityHelpers...

    OMMITTEDLoad EntityHelpers OK.

    OMMITTEDLicense Check...

    OMMITTEDLicense Check Completed.

    OMMITTEDLoad Tax Tables...

    OMMITTEDLoad Tax Tables OK.

    OMMITTEDSetup OMMITTEDSetup OMMITTEDCustomerSession.StaticClear...

    OMMITTEDCustomerSession.StaticClear OK.

    OMMITTEDLoad CustomerLevels...

    OMMITTEDLoad CustomerLevels OK.

    OMMITTEDCC Check...



    OMMITTEDNextKeyChangeCheck OK.

    OMMITTEDLegacy ConvertAllPasswords...

    OMMITTEDLegacy ConvertAllPasswords OK.

    OMMITTEDLegacy UpgradeEncryption...

    OMMITTEDLegacy UpgradeEncryption OK.

    OMMITTEDAppLogic.ApplicationStart OK.

    OMMITTEDAspDotNetStorefront Started OK.

  2. #2
    ASPAlfred is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    How often the Application Pool recycles? If you check the properties for the AppPool you'll see a number of settings there fro recycling (e.g. Recycle worker processes (in minutes, etc). You can increase that setting appropriately.

    As for the other exception (get_CheckUserAgentFor), please submit a ticket to support and will see. thanks

  3. #3
    B-Double-U is offline Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    We have been seeing this same issue for quite some time and have been trying different things to combat it. has anyone solved this issue yet? it is causing some undesirable behavior for customers, like crashing their cart and making them have the inability to purchase at all. I have been manually resetting the app pools as well as the server to try and mitigate, but we need a solution so I don't have to manually monitor this.
