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Thread: Newsletter Subscription Email is Blank

  1. #1
    netprocity is offline Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Default Newsletter Subscription Email is Blank


    I have upgraded to v9 and when a customer registers and says its ok to email a blank email is sent to them. Where do I edit this email? Is there a way to turn this email off, as I don't really want to send them anything until I am ready to send out a newsletter?


  2. #2
    wunderkinder is offline Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    You might be missing some topics:

    INSERT [dbo].Topic(Name, HTMLOK, ShowInSiteMap,Title, Description) values('Newsletter', 1, 0, ' Newsletter ', ' <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE></TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY class=RadEContent> %NewsletterBody% <DIV id=NewsletterFooter>You have recieved this newsletter because you are subscribed to the %CompanyName% newsletter. Click <A href="%UnsubscribeURL%">here</A> to unsubscribe. </DIV> </BODY> </HTML> ')
    INSERT [dbo].Topic(Name, HTMLOK, ShowInSiteMap,Title, Description) values('NewsletterEmail', 1, 0, ' NewsletterEmail ', ' <HTML>%NewsletterBody%<div id="NewsletterFooter">You have recieved this newsletter because you are subscribed to the %CompanyName% newsletter.Click <a href="%UnsubscribeURL%">here to unsubscribe.</a></div></HTML> ')
    INSERT [dbo].Topic(Name, HTMLOK, ShowInSiteMap,Title, Description) values('NewsletterOptInEmail', 1, 0, ' NewsletterOptInEmail ', ' <HTML>You have recieved this email because you requested to be subscribed to the %CompanyName% newsletter.Click <a href="%SubscribeURL%">here</a> to confirm your email address.</HTML> ')
    INSERT [dbo].Topic(Name, HTMLOK, ShowInSiteMap,Title, Description) values('Newsletter.OptInOutBadRequest', 1, 0, ' Newsletter.OptInOutBadRequest ', ' The address you''re attempting to confirm is invalid or has already been confirmed. ')
    INSERT [dbo].Topic(Name, HTMLOK, ShowInSiteMap,Title, Description) values('Newsletter.ConfirmOptOut', 1, 0, ' Newsletter.ConfirmOptOut ', ' Are you sure you wish to be removed from our newsletter mailing list? ')
    INSERT [dbo].Topic(Name, HTMLOK, ShowInSiteMap,Title, Description) values('Newsletter.ConfirmOptIn', 1, 0, ' Newsletter.ConfirmOptIn ', ' Click confirm to subscribe to our newsletter. ')
    INSERT [dbo].Topic(Name, HTMLOK, ShowInSiteMap,Title, Description) values('Newsletter.AddressErrorBlock', 1, 0, ' Newsletter.AddressErrorBlock ', ' <table> <tr class="captchaBox"> <td align="center">The email address you entered was in an invalid format.</td> </tr> </table> ')
    INSERT [dbo].Topic(Name, HTMLOK, ShowInSiteMap,Title, Description) values('Newsletter.CaptchaErrorBlock', 1, 0, ' Newsletter.CaptchaErrorBlock ', ' <table> <tr class="captchaBox"> <td align="center">The captcha characters you entered were incorrect.</td> </tr> </table> ')
    INSERT [dbo].Topic(Name, HTMLOK, ShowInSiteMap,Title, Description) values('Newsletter.SubscribeSuccessful', 1, 0, 'Newsletter.SubscribeSuccessful', 'Thank you, you''re now subscribed to our newsletter. ')
    INSERT [dbo].Topic(Name, HTMLOK, ShowInSiteMap,Title, Description) values('Newsletter.SubscribeConfirm', 1, 0, 'Newsletter.SubscribeConfirm', 'Thank you. An email confirming your subscription is being sent.')
    INSERT [dbo].Topic(Name, HTMLOK, ShowInSiteMap,Title, Description) values('Newsletter.UnsubscribeSuccessful', 1, 0, 'Newsletter.UnsubscribeSuccessful', 'You have now unsubscribed from our newsletter. ')

  3. #3
    ASPAlfred is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    The newsletter email that's sent to the customer is a topic content named "NewsletterOptInEmail", if you do not have this topic then that's the reason. You can run the scripts posted by wunderkinder or ensure that you've ran the upgrade scripts from the DB folder.

    To turn off automatic newsletter email, see this thread.