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Thread: Skin & String references visible to customers?

  1. #1
    omaxuk is offline Member
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    Default Skin & String references visible to customers?

    Our custoemers can see reference links to the strings whereever there should be localse or string text. For example at ShoppingCart.aspx we see:


    Where it should say 'Log in' it reads "skinbase.cs.4"

    All the buttons have similar references.

    Its frightning customes & us, so effectively we're site down. What gives?
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  2. #2
    webopius is offline Senior Member
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    As it was previously working, it looks like your store's locale settings have changed and the site is unable to find the strings to match that locale.

    In your site's case, I'm going to *guess* that the site has been changed from en-US to en-GB

    IF this is the case, then the quickest fix is to:

    0. Backup everything
    1. Look in your server in the directory 'StringResources' and find the file 'strings.en-US.xls'
    2. Make a copy of this file and rename it as 'strings.en-GB.xls'
    3. In the admin pages, go to misc->locale settings
    4. Click 'edit/upload' under string resources
    5. Click 'Reload from Excel file on server'

    These instructions are for v7 and the menus may have moved in v8 (they definitely have in v9) but the method is similar.


  3. #3
    omaxuk is offline Member
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    Default Thanks Adam I'll have a go

    Thanks Adam I'll have a go. Or ring you in hte morning!
    We're Brits
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  4. #4
    omaxuk is offline Member
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    Default Weboious was absolutley correct

    Weboious was absolutley correct. I'd deleted the string for the default locale (fool I am) whn messing around in there.

    I'd done it becaue I had thought 'clear locale' was a way of navigating the locale strings as the side menu also alllows. Thus I thought it meant "Show all locales"

    Whuch now sounds fairly stupid.

    OK, you live, you learn. Thanks Adam
    We're Brits
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