I use V9 ML. Anybody know how to remove teh manufacturer link from the aspnet menu on the top?
I use V9 ML. Anybody know how to remove teh manufacturer link from the aspnet menu on the top?
Open {root}/XMLPackages/page.menu.xml.config and you can comment that out there.
This solution does not appear to work. Is there another solution?
That definitely works, IF you're on version 9, and are trying to remove the menu option from the top menu. If you're on a different version, or are trying to remove the menu along the side of the page, we'll need to know that as the directions will be different.
I commented the line mentioned (line number 20), then I saved the file, uploaded to my server. Could see the date is changed on the directory. Then I reset the cashe on my admin panel the recycled the application pool on my hosting server. And I still see the Manufacturers Menu on the top Menu Bar. This is my first post so I don't know if I am doing it correctly. I am using Version
Thanks for any help
Has this been resolve, I have been searching this and have the same problem. I need to remove the Manufacturers from the main menu.