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Thread: Displaying Quantity on Hand

  1. #1
    Linvx is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Displaying Quantity on Hand

    Hi everyone!

    I have finally given up my "legacy" site lovingly written by hand in VB in "Classic" ASP. We are implementing ASPNSF tied to our back office system.

    I saw where the default implementation of ASPDNSF allows some options as far as displaying whether or not you have an item in stock.

    BUT, we want to display the QUANTITY in stock, not just a TRUE/FALSE.

    My questions are:

    -- Does ASPDNSF do this "Out of the Box"?
    -- If not, how do we implement this?

    One other question: I saw where images are stored in the images/product/SIZE/ folders and the image name = SKU number. I assume this is SKU_NUMBER.jpg. BUT, the question I have is this: Is it the SKU number with spaces and special characters?

    Thanks for you help. I am sure I'll have other questions as we go along.
    Last edited by Linvx; 06-23-2010 at 09:24 PM.

  2. #2
    ASPAlfred is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    Absolutely. See this manual. To show the available inventory of a certain product, you must set appconfig: ShowInventoryTable to true.