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Thread: Split CMS & Cart

  1. #1
    sduffy77 is offline Senior Member
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    Feb 2010
    Lancaster, PA

    Default Split CMS & Cart

    Has anyone split the CMS and Cart code before?

    The reason I ask is because we have two separate hosting environments. One is our highly secure PCI only servers which are tightly locked down. The other is a normal hosting environment.

    We've installed V9.0.1.3 on the PCI boxes however we're finding that this causes alot of headaches because of the amount of paperwork that we need to fill out to maintain our PCI compliance and the issue of opening the firewall up to allow 3rd party widgets to work on the sites, which is also a nightmare with paperwork.

    What I'm thinking about doing is splitting the solution into the CMS section and the Cart section. I would be deploying the CMS section to the non-PCI server. Then the Cart section would get deployed to the PCI server. Both would access the same database and remain under the same domain. The cart section would have a subdomain pointing to it (ex. )

    Does this seem like a feasible plan?

  2. #2
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott's Avatar
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott is offline Administrator
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    Mar 2007
    Ashland, OR


    That would take an enormous amount of work I'm afraid. The software is designed to be used as one piece, so CMS & shoppingcart classes are all contained within the same portions of the source and compiled to the same DLLs.