Important Notice from AspDotNetStorefront
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Thread: AspDotNetStorefront Support Policy Changes

  1. #1
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott's Avatar
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott is offline Administrator
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Ashland, OR

    Exclamation AspDotNetStorefront Support Policy Changes

    In an effort to provide the greatest level of customer service and support to our customers, AspDotNetStorefront must remain focused on our current release and collaborate with our customers to ensure we have the best version possible moving forward. For these reasons, in order to receive support a customer must be running the latest version that AspDotNetStorefront has available and have an up-to-date and current upgrade protection contract for the license.

    Customers who do not meet these requirements may still obtain community-based support through these online forums (registration is required to view the new Support area). Customers with existing web support incidents will be granted additional Upgrades & Support contracts, and customers with phone support incidents left on their account will still be able to use those.

    The full support policy can be viewed here.

    To purchase upgrades, please visit If there are any questions, don't hesitate to contact our Customer Service folks.

  2. #2 is offline Administrator
    Join Date
    Apr 2007


    Just to be clear - the above policy was reversed under new ownership on 08/05/2010. Every license sold is "supported" in the most appropriate form. Sometimes that will mean that we work with our clients to move to (for example) a PA-DSS version, or an edition that more fully meets the client needs, but we will never turn away a client who needs help.
    Jo Benson
    Vortx / AspDotNetStorefront