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Thread: AddtoCart and Kit Products

  1. #1
    exoticpaul is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Default AddtoCart and Kit Products

    Hello every one. I have kind of a 2-3 part question. Now I know how to addtocart using a link via:

    addtocart.aspx?productid=N&variantid=M&quantity=Q& color={colorhere}&size={sizehere}

    Q1. How would this work for Kit products that have Check box options or radio options etc..?

    I have a special type of product that has to be set up as a kit because I need to use the check boxes example:

    Kit Product $1.00
    Logo Option $1.00

    But my options need options themselves. these options don't affect the price but they do customize the product for the buyer and there could be up to 8 for each single option IE:

    Kit Product $1.00
    [X] Logo Option $1.00
    Logo Color:Red
    Text Color: Black
    background Color:White

    Q2. How can something like that be accomplished with this cart? Can any one give me a clue?

    BTW I have the VB version if the cart.

    Q3. Is there a way to pull this information about a kit product or any product in fact with all it's options from the database to use in say flash?

    I thank you for any help you could give me, I'm trying to get my website back from the ruins after one of those stupid script viruses took it down. I decided to buy this cart and discard my old one that had security flaws which lead to SQL injections.

    Last edited by AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott; 06-14-2010 at 07:41 AM.

  2. #2
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott's Avatar
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott is offline Administrator
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    Mar 2007
    Ashland, OR


    Hi Paul! I'm glad you decided to join us.

    Q1 - Unfortunately, that won't work for kits. Kit products use a form post to be added to the cart, so the querystring method won't work. You could modify addtocart.aspx to take something like '&kitgroupitem=#" and do a lookup to see what to add to the cart, but it would take some dev work.

    Q2 - Kit group choices cannot affect other kit groups 'out of the box', so if that's what you're after (i.e. customer chooses red for the logo color so they can only choose blue/white for the text color) that's going to take some customization (source code mod). If you just need to 'group' choices to organize them a bit, then a few simple mods to kitproduct.aspx(.vb) should take care of that.

    Q3 - You could use some direct SQL queries to pull the info you need. Kit configuration info is stored in the KitGroup, KitGroupType, and KitItem tables in the DB.