What are the best ways to handle someone paying by check? Should I use Google Checkout or PayPal? If so, can I use my checkout for everything except paying by check?
How are people here doing it?
What are the best ways to handle someone paying by check? Should I use Google Checkout or PayPal? If so, can I use my checkout for everything except paying by check?
How are people here doing it?
SQL 2008, Visual Studio 2010
Source: C#
Version: AspDotNetStorefront ML
Framework: .Net 4.0 (Running)
There's a "Check" payment method built-in the store. See - http://manual.aspdotnetstorefront.com/p-994-checks.aspx
Hm, I found that option but I was looking more for paying via check online (using routing and account numbers).
SQL 2008, Visual Studio 2010
Source: C#
Version: AspDotNetStorefront ML
Framework: .Net 4.0 (Running)