Is there a document or thread that provides guidance as to how to set up the software including source code in a development environment?
I am able to run the storefront on my windows 7 development machine. It's in my c:\inetpub\wwwroot folder.
But now I have the source code in another directory c:\AspDotNetStorefront . I want to be able to open "AspDotNetStorefront - 90.sln" in Visual Studio 2008, make customizations and compile. I would then think I could test the compiled version by moving it to the c:\inetpub\wwwroot folder.
When I try to open "AspDotNetStorefront - 90.sln" I get the message: "Unable to open the Website http://localhost/ASPDOTNETSTOREFRONTML9".
So does that mean the source code must be located in c:\inetpub\wwwroot for me to open the VS project?
Looking for a check list type of instructions.. thanks.