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Thread: Set up in development as visual studio project

  1. #1
    ACLOCOCO is offline Junior Member
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    May 2010

    Default Set up in development as visual studio project

    Is there a document or thread that provides guidance as to how to set up the software including source code in a development environment?

    I am able to run the storefront on my windows 7 development machine. It's in my c:\inetpub\wwwroot folder.

    But now I have the source code in another directory c:\AspDotNetStorefront . I want to be able to open "AspDotNetStorefront - 90.sln" in Visual Studio 2008, make customizations and compile. I would then think I could test the compiled version by moving it to the c:\inetpub\wwwroot folder.

    When I try to open "AspDotNetStorefront - 90.sln" I get the message: "Unable to open the Website http://localhost/ASPDOTNETSTOREFRONTML9".

    So does that mean the source code must be located in c:\inetpub\wwwroot for me to open the VS project?

    Looking for a check list type of instructions.. thanks.

  2. #2
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott's Avatar
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott is offline Administrator
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    Sounds like you just need to open up the solution file in something like Notepad and change the 'ASPDOTNETSTOREFRONTML9' references to the name of the application you set up locally. So things like

    Debug.AspNetCompiler.VirtualPath = "/ASPDOTNETSTOREFRONTML9"
    Would become:

    Debug.AspNetCompiler.VirtualPath = "/yoursitename"

  3. #3
    ACLOCOCO is offline Junior Member
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    May 2010


    I understand you're proposing changing the solution references to whatever folder I put the software in. Your proposal still includes references to localhost (a website).

    But does the software require IIS to compile (thus forcing me to locate the source code in c:\inetpub\wwwroot.

    Can I compile the software if it remains in the C:\AspStoreFrontDotNet directory?

    Perhaps I'm overcomplicating it.. Where do you propose I put the source code and the web directories??

    AspStoreFrontDotNet \ASPDNSFAddInSideAdapter
    AspStoreFrontDotNet \ASPDNSFAddInView
    AspStoreFrontDotNet \ASPDNSFCommon
    AspStoreFrontDotNet \web
    AspDotNetStorefront - 90.sln

  4. #4
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott's Avatar
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott is offline Administrator
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    You can put the software anywhere, Visual Studio and IIS don't really care as long as the paths you enter all match up. 'localhost' was just an example as that's what we have in the .SLN by default.

  5. #5
    philipb is offline Junior Member
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    Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

    Default Set up in development as visual studio project

    Scott: I am facing the same situation to what ACLOCOCO describes in the previous posts & I am afraid that I do not fully understand your suggestions.

    What I would *like* to do is to convert the web site (the contents of the /web folder) to a full ASP.NET Web Application. I have found that working with sites that are based on a Web App are easier to deal with than the more loosely-coupled web sites.

    Are there any reasons that this is not advisable? Can you provide any guidance, or point me to any forum posts / manual pages that deal with doing this?

    Alternatively, is there any detailed documentation for working with Storefront in a development-oriented (read: pre-production deployment) environment? I have everything else set up & ready to go: this is the final (for now) hurdle.
    Last edited by philipb; 08-31-2010 at 06:33 AM. Reason: Ping