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Thread: Is there an easier way to upload products?

  1. #1
    mike2016 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default Is there an easier way to upload products?

    Is there an easier way to upload massive amounts of data? I looked at the excel import sample file, it seems like it must be in fixed format.

    Is there a way to import excel by mapping each column to its respective fields in a tool?

    if there's such tool, please give me some recommendations.

  2. #2
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott's Avatar
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott is offline Administrator
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    Ashland, OR


    You can use the Excel import, the XML import, or WSI. Each has specific formats the data must be in, that's to be expected.

  3. #3
    mike2016 is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2010


    We were hoping there's a some sort of tool that will let you first import the excel file, then select columns to map to each field, and then finalize the import.

    but if that's the only way to import, i guess we'll have to live with it.

    another question, for the fields that are NOT imported, is there a way to set the defaults?

    such as tax class, published, google checkout allowed, show buy button.....etc

    we will use the same settings for all of these fields

  4. #4
    USNFC3 is offline Junior Member
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    Mid West

    Default Try COMMANDER by

    I cant speak for them, as I dont yet have them, but I have heard good things about them, thus on Monday I will be purchasing it. See the COMMANDER Product at
    Hope that helps!

    Quote Originally Posted by mike2016 View Post
    We were hoping there's a some sort of tool that will let you first import the excel file, then select columns to map to each field, and then finalize the import.

    but if that's the only way to import, i guess we'll have to live with it.

    another question, for the fields that are NOT imported, is there a way to set the defaults?

    such as tax class, published, google checkout allowed, show buy button.....etc

    we will use the same settings for all of these fields